If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please call Jessica at the Church office to have your name added to the list! The ministry guidelines and checklist are listed below. You will also find a link to sign up for 1 or more weekends throughout the year. Thank you for donating your time to help with this important ministry!
If you are unable to make your scheduled date, please contact someone on the list to see if you can switch weekends. Phone numbers can be found in the church directory or by calling the church office at (423)288-8101. If you’re unable to find a replacement, please let Jessica know as soon as possible.
Altar care duties can be done Friday after morning mass or on Saturday. If Saturday, it’s a good idea to check with the church office Friday to be sure there are no activities scheduled during Saturday morning. The church office number is 288-8101.
Supplies are located in the COAT ROOM (a recent change) in one of the cabinets near the sink. If your ‘shift’ has used all the votives, please notify the office for replacements for the following weekend. Please replace supplies in the cabinet where they’re stored. If supplies are low, contact Jessica in the church office.
1) There are five sets of votives… 4 in the church and 1 in the chapel. Soak votives in hot water in closed sink. Remove all metal clips and old wax and dispose of in the wastebasket. Spray votives with cooking spray (it makes it easier to remove old wax the next time) then replace with fresh candle. Pull up wick for easy lighting. Clean sink of old wax with a paper towel. Don’t let wax go down the drain.
2) Altar candles should be replaced as needed. These are located in the coat room in the cabinets near the sink. Clean candle bases with hot soapy water as needed.
3) Clean brass candle toppers on the altar in church and in the chapel if needed. Soak in hot water to remove wax and clean with Comet and sponge.
4) Wash saucers holding money, add matches and replace foil under candles if needed. If the office is closed, place money in an envelope and drop in the weekend collection basket.
5) Wash holy water fonts and refill with fresh holy water from the large Holy Water urn in the narthex. Pour old holy water in live plants in the church/chapel. DO NOT POUR HOLY WATER DOWN THE SINK.
6) Water all live plants in the narthex, sanctuary and chapel.